After working my way through Season 1, I thought I'd do a little wrap-up.
My scores
Episode 1 - Rose 8/10
Episode 2 - The End of the World 7/10
Episode 3 - The Unquiet Dead 7/10
Episode 4 - Aliens of London 8/10
Episode 5 - World War Three 7/10
Episode 6 - Dalek 10/10
Episode 7 - The Long Game 8/10
Episode 8 - Father's Day 7/10
Episode 9 - The Empty Child 10/10
Episode 10 - The Doctor Dances 10/10
Episode 11 - Boom Town 5/10
Episode 12 - Bad Wolf 8/10
Episode 13 - The Parting of the Ways 9/10
Season Average = 8/10Episode 2 - The End of the World 7/10
Episode 3 - The Unquiet Dead 7/10
Episode 4 - Aliens of London 8/10
Episode 5 - World War Three 7/10
Episode 6 - Dalek 10/10
Episode 7 - The Long Game 8/10
Episode 8 - Father's Day 7/10
Episode 9 - The Empty Child 10/10
Episode 10 - The Doctor Dances 10/10
Episode 11 - Boom Town 5/10
Episode 12 - Bad Wolf 8/10
Episode 13 - The Parting of the Ways 9/10
Three episodes were 10/10 for me, which I suspect will be tough for another season to top. If it wasn't for the Godawful Boom Town, it would have been mostly killer and very little filler.
Chicken dinner
Ongoing problems
Let's see how the season fares when it comes to the ongoing issues I always go on about (otherwise known as my pet peeves). Not all of them had a showing in Season 1, but the ones we did see were the ones that annoy me the most.
Season 1 saw:
- 3 episodes featuring instances of Hunka hunka burning Doc
- 4 episodes with In-Who-Endos
- 4 episodes that resorted to Deus Ex Screwdriver
That last one surprised me the most. I honestly thought it took longer for the Sonic Screwdriver to become a crutch for The Doctor, but there it is. Interestingly, all four of those were in the latter half of the season.
I was also a bit surprised to see the Hunka hunka burning Doc start so early too. I would have sworn that didn't happen until David Tennant came in. Still, one of those three was from Jackie "upright with a pulse" Tyler and despite the odd relationship between Doctor and Companion in Season 1, the other instances of this are mostly from other females, not Rose.
Though not all of them
Season Arc
The Bad Wolf arc played our quite subtly on the whole. There were a couple of excellent hints, but there were a couple of horrible ones too. Some, like the landing chopper in Dalek seemed a little forced. To my mind, there is no reason there has to be a season arc reference in each episode, so if it can't appear naturally, why force it?
Ultimately Bad Wolf is little more than a verbal reference to the final episode. It's supposed to be a warning, but how? what did it warn them of? And whilst The Long Game technically ties in, it's not as integrated as they could be. As I said in my review, The Doctor simply neglects to ask any of the questions that he really should have asked. This is where more could have been done to hint at the arc. It's tough to have The Doctor ask questions in case he gets answers, but so long as the answers only lead to more questions, it will work well.
A solid season arc is one that has clearly been planned ahead and worked into multiple story lines, with dialogue and situations clearly (at least with hindsight) having been included to progress the arc story in advance of its dedicated episodes.
Bad Wolf doesn't feel like that, and could easily have been written last and the words retroactively added during filming. The only hints that really feel properly integrated are Gwyneth's scene in The Unquiet Dead and maybe The Doctor's realisation in Boom Town. Gwyneth shows us Bad Wolf is tied to Rose, and The Doctor's soliloquy makes the implication that the words are somehow following them. Later seasons seem to do better at progressing the arc story than this first one though.
All up a very entertaining season with some all-time classics in it.
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