Monday, 27 January 2014

The Costume of The Doctor

So the BBC have released the first official image of Peter Capaldi's costume as the Twelfth Doctor.

To be honest, I find it a bit boring. It's a nice cut and good colour, but it's very plain and quite contemporary. The only bit of flash is the red lining of the coat, which is really only visible in this picture because they've strategically flipped the coat back to reveal it.

What happened to the kookiness in The Doctor's outfit? I'm not saying we need to go to the levels of Colin Baker's technicolour dream coat, or even Sylvester McCoy's question mark emblazoned sweater vest, but The Doctor has always shown a penchant for slightly left of field fashion.

The First Doctor had his funny little hat. Two has his tartan pants. Three stole a stage magician's costume. Four's outfit was a delightful mish-mash of clothing that somehow still worked as a whole. Things started going off the rails with Five and his celery and question marks, but the cricket whites were a good choice.

These costumes all spoke of a man who wasn't familiar with Earth dress, or didn't bother trying because you never know what's going to be in style where you're going anyway. It indicates a man eccentric enough to be unconcerned with fitting in, and maybe cheeky enough to have a subtle laugh at people too. Above all, it shows The Doctor is a man who is constantly out of time.

Sadly, since the reboot The Doctor has generally had rather sensible contemporary clothing. Nine had a t-shirt and leather jacket and ten had quite a nice suit (or two). Eleven took steps back to The Doctor of old, with that slightly out of time look. Having nicked his first outfit from an old man, it created that juxtaposition of a young bloke wearing old man clothes. Then we get a costume change with The Snowmen, and The Doctor gets all Steampunk. Frankly I'm surprised they didn't have him keep the top hat.

And here we are now with Twelve dragging us back to a boring contemporary suit. Such a missed opportunity. Maybe he'll get a cool hat.

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